Δευ-Παρ – 7.30-13.05
Τηλέφωνο: 25694840
Τηλεομοιότυπο: 25694845

The “ICT in your class” course aims to introduce teachers to new technologies, and prepare them for the new era of teaching. It leads to a Level 7 EQC Certificate, accompanied by a Europass Certicicate Supplement with 10 transferable ECVET points.

The course is specifically designed to help teachers of various fields to increase their skills in using technology in their lessons by showing them – in a simple way! – how to incorporate free web 2.0 tools in their teaching.

During the course, the participants will learn how to:

  • create blogs
  • use wikis
  • use social networking and other ICT tools like video editing
  • create simple and efficient presentations online.

Participants will practice their newly acquired knowledge in a real time scenario in which they will visit and study a place of interest (e.g. ancient Messini, historical center of Kalamata, etc) and prepare online lessons for the chosen field. In that way the course will work in another level combined the ICT skills with the European Culture and history.

Course Objectives
At the end of this course, the expected objectives for participants will be able:

  • to use WEB 2.0 tools in classroom
  • to make ICT tools look easy in the eyes of an amateur, in computers, teacher.
  • introduction to collaborating learning while using on-line tools
  • provide methodology to project based learning with the help of WEB 2.0 environment
  • encourage the teachers who participate to involve WEB 2.0 tools in their everyday lessons
  • using tablet / laptop in the classroom
  • to improve their competence in English;
  • to help teachers design educational activities for their lessons
  • to learn how to enhance cultural heritage into teaching
  • to increase their motivation and satisfaction in their daily work;
  • to understand European culture
  • to develope a sense of European citizenship and identity through participating in a community of European teachers and trainers;
  • sharing experiences and best practices among the participants
  • become familiar with the Europass tool.